FILM: Land Ho!
Land Ho! is a delightful buddy comedy set in the intensely beautiful country of Iceland. Two longtime friends are approaching seventy, a typical pair of opposites a la The Odd Couple. There’s carpe-diem Mitch (Earl Lynn Nelson), and quietly watchful Colin (Paul Eehoorn, so good last year in another critically well regarded indie flick, This is Martin Bonner), two ex-brother-in-laws on a first-class, all-expense-paid trip to Iceland initiated by Mitch.
Writer directors Martha Stephens and Aaron Katz collaborated on this light-hearted yet poignant comedy drama, which was acquired by Sony Pictures Classics at Sundance, and slowly reveals the edginess beneath Mitch’s antic gregariousness, and the vibrant below his sadness Colin. Never banal or boring, thematically focused on the importance of moving on and putting the past to rest, this is a sweet comedy overall, handled with aplomb rather than lowest common denominator jokes.
Land Ho! is in select theaters July 11, 2014.
Land Ho! is a delightful buddy comedy set in the intensely beautiful country of Iceland. Two longtime friends are…
FILM: Land Ho!