Design By Humans
Published On: Wed, Apr 24th, 2019

Vipid: Daydream


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Vipid is the musical brainchild of graphic artist Jared Simmons. The songs he produces under that name mine what he calls an “electronic chill and downtempo dream pop.” Vipid’s new album, Daydream brings us what’s on Simmons’ mind lately.

A sandpapery click opens the introductory track, “Wake,” which soon gives way to a tough metallic bass and the kinetic clock-like ticking beat. Violin-like single notes slide under a slow bass and plodding beat on the next offering, the title track. This one builds with an odd yet expressive lead synth string sound into a rich little soundscape, even swooping into a different key at times. Overall, this is pretty cool subtle instrumental songwriting.

Mid-way through we are hit with some guitar flickery on “Syzygy,” with the usual snipping-snapping beats and pull/push of the synths. This one has lots going for it with that precise guitar line and how it mixes with the synths — another little gem on this record.

“Pier” is another one with some slippery electric guitar, mixed with arpeggiated keys and single-note lines. That simple, yet effective bass is heard once again and by the last third of this nearly four-minute little opus, things have really picked up, making it a standout track, and the best on the album in my opinion.

“Reflections,” with its wonderful echo guitar rhythm, drums, and bass ends the record. With all the keys, tight little machine drum beats and slippery maneuvers of production on the tunes before it (great as that all is) this more straight ahead, dare I say slight rocker, really brings Daydream around perfectly for me.

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Vipid: Daydream