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Published On: Fri, Apr 23rd, 2021

Elford, Davies, and Baldini: The Real Story

Elford, Davies, and Baldini
The Real Story

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A roiling low metallic bass sound, flicking guitar, and laid-back snare informs the decidedly bleak “The End is Night,” the opening track on Elford, Davies, and Baldini’s new album The Real Story. The character study “Cry of Despair” follows. Starting with a deceptive Simon Davies’ chorded lighter riff, once again the lyric describes not the most positive of situations. The slight backing vocals here add a little pop of commerciality.

I really like the ZZ Top-like crunch-strut of “Western Stretch;” Elford, Davies, and Baldini are especially effective when they lock in tight as they do here. Again, we get another solid Davies’ lead, as we get throughout The Real Story.

The boys are mining ZZ Top once again (with some double guitar moments also reminding me of Thin Lizzy) on the next one, “WWJD.” There’s some light sly touches of organ here and ‘very special guest’ Doug Lipinski lending his guitar talents. Major Baldini is especially in-the-pocket with his simple, yet effective drumming.

He’s even better on the love lament, punk-pop of “An Hour Away.” The drumming on the verses is just so delicious, and the descending guitar line and sing-ability of the chorus make this one another of my favorites.

“Take Back Control,” with its Josie Simmons’ sax smacks, over-the-top noisy roiling, and Elford’s vocal prodding is another highlight of The Real Story. Adding congas at the end is a perfect touch to a song that I feel is the tune the trio has been working up to throughout.

The Real Story is some real great rock and roll, mining tough subjects, and played well.

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Elford, Davies, and Baldini: The Real Story