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Published On: Fri, Apr 23rd, 2021

THE SEX FILES: Sex-Positive Podcast Host Coralyn Jewel Discusses her Career and More

Mother of two, author of a #1 International Best-Seller, When The Ice Melts, adult performer, retired competitive athlete, porn director, swinger club owner, fitness trainer, wedding planner, talent manager, voice-over actress, lifestyle coach, motivational speaker, and podcast host (of The Hankie Pankie Podcast), Coralyn Jewel is just one of those people you meet who you feel you have known forever. Seeming to be always smiling, oh-so-humble despite her varied accomplishments and as good an interview subject as a world-class interviewer, this was one Renaissance Woman I certainly wanted to speak with.

And I did…

So how does one come from being a competitive skater to…well…in other words; what’s a nice girl like you doing shooting porn?

The short version is my degree is in Theatrical Production, and I got a job working as a director in Los Angeles on an adult film set. I began to realize that I was on set very long days, and the talent would arrive, shoot for one or two hours, then leave and make almost triple what I would make for sometimes being on set fifteen hours, so I made the decision to switch and become a performer. But I do not have to “shoot porn” anymore to financially support myself; still, I enjoy it.

I love to perform, though. I love to create and meet new people in the industry. I self-book and make my own choice of type of content I am willing and wanting to shoot, and I have made a decision I will shoot until my body physically cannot or if my career path takes me further into where I have to make a choice to focus on just a couple aspects of my career. I do know myself well though, even if I won the lottery and did not have to work ever again, I would still work, create and continue to reach my goals. I can’t sit still. I continuously seek a new challenge.

When you are in scenes, do you tend towards one kind of scene over another?

I mostly get cast in MILF scenes; however, that is not always the case. I have done over 50 professional scenes, and they vary but the majority seem to be stepmom roleplay.

When it comes to the scenes you direct, do you tend towards one kind of scene over another? Are they the same, and if not, why?

I mostly direct my own content, so this is normally custom requests, and therefore they range from JOI to CEI, Dominatrix, roleplay, stepmom, attorney roleplay. Honestly just playing a character and directing myself in my content for the client. 

 What makes a good motivational speaker?

I feel as though a good speaker is one that can teach from personal experience. For example, an analogy I use is that I cannot, in my opinion, be as helpful to someone who is facing drug addiction or domestic violence if I have not experienced that or been in their shoes. Being a good motivational speaker or coach comes from sharing your personal experiences related to that specific situation, making others who are in the same situation more able to easily relate to you.

 COVID withstanding, how has the swinging scene changed over the years, in your opinion?

Without a doubt, many people in the last year have refrained from meeting others in the lifestyle, not to mention all events were put on hold. With things lightning up, people are coming out and ready to mingle again, but I do see a significant amount of caution exercised, especially if it is an older couple in the lifestyle.

Besides the fact that you are an amazingly talented person who works hard and is obviously a solid writer, why would you say your book went to #1 internationally? What was it about your particular story do you think spoke to so many people?

I think it was a combination of when we released during Covid, my publisher’s marketing technique and strategies, and my building up of the release to my lifestyle community of over 18,000 members and my social media following of over 40,000 from the various platforms. We released on June 15th, and I did many press releases and interviews building up to the release. I followed my publisher’s marketing strategy, and we were able to reach #1 International Best-seller in 4 countries. I feel my book and my story is relatable to not only adult industry performers but sex workers and all walks of life involved in any type of KINK, BDSM, or alternative relationship. I want my story to connect with others and help them feel proud of who they are, their choice, and be true to themselves.

Through the progression of all that you do in your career, one being a professional athlete, at the end of the day, how do you primarily define yourself…if you ever do at all?

I think that when I look at everything I do in my career, a wedding planner, a swinger club hostess and event planner, a podcast host, a mobile fitness trainer for children, a figure skating coach, competition and performer, a lifestyle coach, motivational speaker, author, adult game creator, model, adult actress, director and talent manager I think it’s best to define me and my career(s) as “A CREATOR. ”

What do you have coming up for the next year?

I am releasing my CBD personal lubricant Coralyn Jewel within the next three months, my adult lifestyle game, and working on my tour to Europe and Scandinavia to model and shoot. Then I am working on my 2021 and 2022 tours for my seminars and speaking engagements. I am also writing my second book to my series. In addition, I plan to further my listeners and followers for my Sex-Positive podcast, The Hankie Pankie Podcast.

Thank you so much Corayln, for giving me your time. You can find this amazing lady at all the links below.

About the Author

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THE SEX FILES: Sex-Positive Podcast Host Coralyn Jewel Discusses her Career and More