Design By Humans
Published On: Sat, Jun 23rd, 2012

Miniature Tigers: Mia Pharoah

Miniature Tigers
Mia Pharaoh
(Modern Art Records)

Buy it at Amazon!

The 2012 release from Miniature Tigers, Mia Pharaoh, is a calm and lulling album. Don’t put this album on for long road trips where your attention is desperately needed – you might find yourself being pushed off to sleepland instead.

“Husband and Wives” is super chill. The track is so calm and atmospheric that you can’t help but begin to think of sleep. “Ugly Needs” is still chill but a little bit more uptempo. A little bit of fun synths in the piece really make for a fun release. The album sounds a little bit like Craft Spells mixed with the Shins. Lyrics like “Trust me, if I can control it/It’d be under control” allow listeners to identify with the track while being calmed down. The theme of this album is chill, calm fun. “Easy As All That” is one of the fastest tracks on the album and would be perfect for listening to in your local Urban Outfitters. The whole album comes off as hip, but still relatable for the average listener.

Don’t let this calm, comforting release come and go without giving it a listen!

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Miniature Tigers: Mia Pharoah