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Published On: Mon, Sep 18th, 2017



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MADM is the moniker used by Indian songstress, Sanjana Rajnarayan. The flurry voiced singer from up and coming music magnet Chennai, India uses her breathy, sexy, and siren-like voice to pull you into her landscape.

MADM’s self-titled debut is exotic, but almost Victorian-like in a Sade kind of way. With production from fellow Chennai duo, Sapta, MADM spins a record that is equal parts heartache, equal parts dream. MADM requires your undivided attention and respect luring you into a labyrinth of beats, arpeggios, and blurry sound.

Album opener “Mother and Caroline” begins with an abstract chant that opens to a minimal beat with MADM’s voice taking center stage with an ethereal and tinny core. “Straight Up” continues with an unforgettable chorus and wavelength thought pattern. “What Are You On” offers a schizophrenic and uncomfortable beat with MADM’s voice offering a gateway to peace. “Cigarettes” is easily the most uplifting song on the record that will leave the listener in a state of euphoria. “Don’t Be a Fool” has a well placed, and hard, brass sound that parallels MADM’s fluid voice.

The way MADM has crafted the record is something to hold onto as well. The album is only 7 songs, but feels as if each one is a small microcosm of herself. It runs a lot longer than it than you would expect, and maybe that is the point. MADM is onto something and you should get familiar.


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