THE SEX FILES: The Myth of Sex Addiction
Oh dude, I am so going to love this…
In his new book, The Myth of Sex Addiction, clinical psychologist David J. Ley opines over whether sexual addiction is really a bona fide ailment or merely a “culturally bound concept reflecting changing social views of sexuality rather than medicine or scientific research.”
Told ya I was gonna love this…
Using case studies and ample references to the work of other psychologists to support his findings, Ley sprinkles in what I feel is truly important about a book like this, the cultural factors that influence relationships as well as influence our view of what relationships should be. I have always said that words like kinky, relationship, and sex are not possible to define objectively and I think a book like TMOFSA is so needed now to not only dispel what I have always viewed as an emasculating approach to couple-dom (ever notice who is in sex addiction classes, what group is constantly portrayed as scared-y cat little boys to their wives overbearing-ness in our most popular sitcoms?) but to show clearly that what you might want/need and think is normal isn’t what I might think is…and that’s all perfectly ok if a couple can work out what’s normal in their life together.
I loved the phrases Ley coins, “addictionology industry” and “sex addictionologists” for this supposed disease that is still not recognized by the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders…but what do they know, right? And as David Ley is clear to point out: “No one has ever died from being unable to have sex, nor has anyone ever overdosed from sex.”
I am so tickled by this book that I actually wrote David Ley a fan email this very day and I’ll keep you abreast of what-if anything-he writes back. But for now do yourself a favor and grab this book.
You can check out and buy The Myth of Sex Addiction by clinical psychologist David J. Ley on