FILM: Hyde Park on Hudson

Murray is a delicious FDR revealing an aspect of the depression-era President none too many of us knew, Linney plays his quiet 5th cousin slinking through rooms as she is called upon to simply occupy the President’s down time (at least that’s why he initially calls her to his beautiful upper New York State residence), Olivia Williams’ Eleanor Roosevelt is a scarily accurate physical portrayl and Samuel West as the troubled Bertie, King of England bookends Murray’s fabulous turn. In fact what I found myself wanting most of all was more scenes with Murray and West; there is one in particular when the two men finally sit down for a private drink that is riveting.
The Hyde Park On The Hudson house and its surrounding locations are as every much stars of this movie as Linney and Murray, recreated for this movie in the UK. Custumes and props are sumptuously detailed and really there is nothing left untouched by the magic of the film makers here to absolutely transport the viewer to that actual troubled time in American history and this infamous weekend, the first time a king and queen of England stepped foot on American soil.