THE SEX FILES: Deep Throat, Body Image and Naughty Scrimshaw
It’s been awhile since I did a little sex related round-up. Like you, I get my information off of various sources, from online and off, scuttlebutt I hear, etc. Some news comes to me because I happen to be on some adult biz boards, some just happens to be floating out there in the mainstream news, others I do a little researching for. So below are three stories, sex related, that maybe you might find worthy of your time.
Porn super star (at least at one time) Harry Reems died on 3/19 at the age of 65. Reems was one of the break-out stars from Deep Throat, the popular porn movie from way back in the day. A play based on that movie’s controversy, The Deep Throat Sex Scandal, is now in the midst of a successful run at L.A.’s Zephyr Theater and at a recent performance, Reems was honored with some porn stars showing-up to pay tribute to the man. Interestingly enough, by the time Deep Throat came his way in 1972 Reems was more interested in getting behind the camera, having acted for some time by then and it was only at the insistence of the movie’s director that Reems, working as the lighting director on the film, stepped-in to what would soon be film infamy. And though Throat went on to make, by some estimates, close to 600 million dollars, Reems was paid only $100 for his star turn. A year later an infamous Manhattan judge deemed the movie “a nadir of decadence” and three years later Reems, with more than 60 other individuals and companies was indicted and convicted in Memphis, Tennessee of conspiracy to distribute obscenity across state lines. Reems moved to L.A. after this and successfully scored a part in Grease to be playing Coach Calhoun! Before production started though the powers that be realized who Reems was or maybe suddenly got a case of cold morality and replaced Reems with Sid Caesar. Taking to the bottle and drugs for quite a few years after that, Reems soon got clean, got married, got God and settled in Park City, Utah, building a successful real estate career, pretty much staying far out of the public eye. Unfortunately his last five years saw the man battling emphysema and peripheral neuropathy. He had also recently been in treatment for pancreatic cancer.
Our friend Kelly Shibari (ok, my friend, maybe not yours, but all you have to do is go here: see how much a good friend she can be) is scheduled to visit the Pasadena City College campus as a guest lecturer (again) for Professor Hugo Schwyzer’s course titled “Navigating Pornography.”
Recent guests of Schwyzer’s course include James Deen and Jessica Drake. Kelli is speaking (or will have by the time you read this) on topics such as labels, body image and race, as well as hedonism, feminism, and sexuality.
“I’m honored to be invited back by Professor Schwyzer,” Kelli said.“I want to discuss the use of labels about size, race, and more in society, both in regards to adult entertainment and our daily relationships and interactions.”
Prof. Schwyzer has taught at Pasadena City College since 1993.
And lastly, Ann Pimentel got her dander up over her city’s Maritime Museum’s exhibit “Tattoos & Scrimshaw: The Art Of The Sailor.” The 9 pieces of scrimshaw on display depict “lusty scenes including naked humans.” Appalled, the Vancouver mom and teacher demanded the “whale-bone porn” be removed post-haste.
Although lots of the intact and surviving 19th Century scrimshaw depicts scenes of ship adventuring and sailors’ everyday life, one has to assume there’s bound to be a naughty drawing here and there…these were hearty men out at sea for long periods of time, after all. And though the pieces are up in a raised display case bearing the warning: “Hide Your Eyes! These pieces of scrimshaw are not intended for children” Mrs. P. still wanted them removed. When the museum failed to do so she had this to say on
“I am disturbed and troubled after a morning at the Vancouver Maritime Museum. The Museum has a new exhibit called Scrimshaw which features numerous images of inappropriate nature (oral sex, sex, nudity, male anatomy etc.) on tusks.… As a mother and a teacher I was extremely disturbed and believe these pieces of ‘art’ should be removed.”
Tattoos and Scrimshaw: the Art of the Sailor runs to mid-October.