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Published On: Thu, Oct 2nd, 2014

Gone Girl @ The New York Film Festival Press Conference and World Premier

Gone Girl“I can’t wait to see what will go on between couples at dinner after they see the movie,” David Fincher said interviewed for his Gone Girl Opening Night Gala selection at The New York Film Festival…which I happened to be at Friday night,  9/26. It was the world premier of this movie getting so much buzz from the Gillian Fynn book that was so popular. held at The Lincoln Center AMC (the usual FF Lincoln Center Theater seemingly too small for what turned out to be a massive crowd.)

I can tell you the performances, from Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, the ultra delicious Neil Patrick Harris, Tyler Perry, Carrie Coon and Kim Dickens were great. I just wish I could say the same for the movie.

As a murder mystery, this rates about a C+ in plot and surprise, and comments on marriage and what Fincher claims was just a small section of media, though I think Fincher is being naive. He claimed later at the press conference that he wasn’t commenting on such ‘notable’ news institutions as The New York Times and CNN, but he’s missing a lot if he thinks CNN and The Times would not be right there to pick the carrion of a story like Gone Girl, a weak satirical broadside at best.

I mean I love me some David Fincher for Zodiac and I adored The Social Network and The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (and hiring Trent Reznor as half of the music-making team for this and those films you have to give the guy props…though in Gone Girl, Reznor is pretty much as lackluster as this film he’s scoring.)

But the actors loved them some Fincher more than me as they all genuflected to the man at the press conference (man does Affleck look all Batman buff!). All I can say about Gone Girl really is… cherish the book.

Gone Girl opens in theaters nationwide on October, 3, 2014.

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Gone Girl @ The New York Film Festival Press Conference and World Premier