The Last Shadow Puppets
Everything You’ve Come to Expect
(Domino Recording Co. Ltd.)
There is a certain genius to Alex Turner’s career. With Arctic Monkeys, he has matured from a gangly teenager with a penchant for witty lyrics, to a greaser-inspired Danny Zuko of a frontman. Continuing to play with this new image, he’s returned to his retro-tinged side project with longtime friend Miles Kane. It may have been eight years between albums, but Turner and Kane’s chemistry is undeniable. There are times when Everything You’ve Come to Expect feels like an elaborate work of performance art. Each song feels fifty years old, revolving around guitar riffs and sweeping orchestration. If the men aren’t lamenting a relationship that hasn’t panned out, they’re fantasizing about another girl. It would seem like a parody or an homage if only it weren’t so damned catchy. From the first circular riff on “Aviation,” it’s easy to be hypnotized by the atmosphere for the next thirty-some minutes. Turner has rarely delivered vocals better than on “Dracula Teeth,” which seems to deal with the toxic morning after a night of seduction. Single “Bad Habits” may not be the most complete lyrically, but Kane’s bellowing combined with the sinister strings make for a ridiculously fun song. “Dream Synopsis” is a sleepy, slowly building track resplendent with Californian imagery, feeding into that old Hollywood vibe that suits the band so well. “It was you and me and Miles Kane/And some kid I went to school with,” Turner sings, an obvious nod to his bandmate. It’s a gentle reminder that The Last Shadow Puppets don’t have to exist, but we’re lucky to get a couple of records from them every decade.