THE SEX FILES: Madam Marvelous releases La Douleur Exquise
I don’t often slip music reviews into this column, but when you are talking about an artist as provocative (and yes, downright sexy) as Madam Marvelous, I feel honor bound to lube up a review of her new, first-ever full length album and stuff it in here for your enjoyment. Believe me, you won’t be disappointed by what follows…
Madam Marvelous says of La Douleur Exquise “‘La Douleur Exquise’ is when you love someone so much…it hurts…and the more you love them, the more you hate yourself for it…and you are pulled in both directions at the same time…yanked…in this relationship of love and hate…and it’s thrilling…and numbing…”
Consisting of songs this New Yok-based dancer/performer/singer/rapper/writer has been amassing the past decade, on this new brilliant release we get a techno dreamscape senses-tickling whirlpool unlike any you have heard. Working with Nova27 Records’ owner John Spinosa (aka Domitus) and receiving mixing and mastering by Grammy award-winning engineer TheisMix, the Madam assured me that what she presents here are songs she hopes to make part of a new stage show vision that she says will be “dark, wicked, pumping, and exquisite.” Having seen the Madam perform (see the videos below) and knowing she is doing so on July 23rd at Serendipity Martini Bar in Bloomington, IN, this lady delivers on stage as well as she does on record here.
Madman Mavelous is simultaneously releasing singles and EPs via her network of producers and labels.
This lady is famous for sayings like, “Don’t ask me for anything except advice and you’re lucky I don’t charge you for that,” & “Yesterday’s nonsense is none of today’s business,” has as much ‘tude to spare as her lovely as lithe legs are long, but this is one serious musician to be sure. Given my crusty old sensibilities it is no wonder I especially took to “Record Player” with its old school Giorgio Moroder plodding, was tickled by the naughty lyric in “Church” and the Madam’s super sexy come-on to observe and be ever-so-present on her first single from La Douleur Exquise, “This Is The Space.”
The marriage of song, dance, a singular image and sense of determined purpose is no small feat in this day and age of everybody thinking they can do everything and Instgramming about ad infinitum. Madam Marvelous, a fellow New Yorker, is the real deal.
Madam Marvelous performances:
You can buy La Douleur Exquise here.