Avi Jay D: The Hypnosis Detox
Avi Jay D
The Hypnosis Detox
Avi Jay D is an L.A. musician/producer/poet and has released what he feels is a completely original concept in his debut, The Hypnosis Detox. The music here is inspired by Avi’s science background and love of experimental music, a musical score created across these 11 tunes by UberJet Music, with the songs written and spoken by Avi Jay D.
The “Intro,” swirls us into the overall concept, a least musically, with its plinky key notes, spoken words echoed and far away guitar. Mainly though one notices Avi Jay D’s cagey sexy vocal and a shaker-like beat we will hear throughout.
Then we mainly get each chapter as Avi runs through the dilemma of his life; “Chapter Four,” with its cool, sly, slow conga, single floaty note vibe where we get an earful of where the protagonist’s relationship might be going. “Chapter Two,” where we once again have that same beat and Avi sneaks in some low distorted vocals. There is a sweet descending key line here that makes this tune sound slightly different than the rest.
“Chapter 1o,” with its low roiling bass notes and sad piano chords give way to probably Avi’s most involved and involving rap here. I like the statements he is making on culture on this one, and for the first time that shunk beat actually works rather hypnotically.
There’s a lot to this record lyrically, the music, what there is of it, is limited to lots of the same sounds and beats, although I am sure this is the point to get you to listen to what Avi Jay D is imparting with his poetry. The Hypnosis Detox will do both I feel, detox you from the worries of your day and hypnotize you as it does.