FILM: Foxcatcher
Director Bennett Miller’s intense new film Foxcatcher tells the true story of brothers Mark and Dave Schultz, Olympic gold winning wrestlers, played by Channing Tatum and Mark Ruffalo and their tragic relationship with their multimillionaire coach John du Pont, played by Steve Carell.
Even though the story is totally compelling, it’s the performances that really stand out in this film. All three stars do a fantastic job and manage to have elements of depth and surprise in their roles, but it’s Steve Carell’s uncharacteristic and almost unrecognizable subdued, straight role that people will be talking about walking out of the theater. That being said, Mark Ruffalo is a favorite for an Oscar nomination and Channing Tatum does feel authentic as a wrestler (also impressively he beats the hell out himself in a scene).
It’s interesting to see a mainstream movie deal with wrestling and do such a good job showing the training, intensity, and drama of the sport, which has been fighting to keep its Olympic presence. The story itself is strange and heartbreaking but true and although the film does drag at times and is a bit of a downer for some it’s well worth watching.
Foxcatcher is now in theaters nationwide.