Design By Humans
Published On: Mon, Jun 6th, 2016

Elysian Fields: Ghosts of No

elyElysian Fields
Ghosts of No
(Vicious Circle Records/Ojet)

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Elysian Fields’ Jennifer Charles has one of those beautiful voices that, as the saying goes, you could listen to even singing the phone book. She and co-composer/bandmate Oren Bloedow have been working together for more than twenty years, and that chemistry shines through on Ghosts of No. Though the music is excellently crafted and dreamy, it’s Charles’ voice that carries you from one song to the next in a hypnotic manner. Opening track “Bird in Your House” is a beautiful, subdued track that could be taken on a literal or metaphorical level. “Higher Power” exploits the seductive edge of Charles’ voice to grand effect, employing the age-old imagery of sex as religion. “Misunderstood” employs distorted vocals with lovely strings to create a slightly sinister air, which also includes clever lyrics such as “Don’t tangle your britches when dealing with witches.” The subdued, mellow nature of Ghosts of No may not captivate some, but the record is gentle and lush, the musical equivalent of a long walk in the woods. There’s plenty of beauty to be uncovered here if you can be patient and submerge yourself in Elysian Fields’ world. They’ve been cultivating it long enough that they should be trusted not to misguide you.

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Elysian Fields: Ghosts of No