Design By Humans
Published On: Fri, Feb 1st, 2019

THE SEX FILES: What Happened To My Porn?

Why doesn’t anybody like porn anymore? I know, the Me Too movement has us all on high alert where nude females negotiating naughty no’s no’s are concerned (at least females coerced into being nude and naughty) but that which has existed for centuries and so many make millions from, not to mention that which keeps us locked on the net more often than we care to admit, seems to be under a blistering attack as of late, all swirling around us right as this year’s AVN passes by.

Over the weekend, Cardi B made history as the first female to perform at AVN (known to layman as the porn awards (how’s that for women’s empowerment?) but if you have been keeping up, we lost porn off of Tumblr just recently and Starbucks just announced that in this new year they will be putting in place blocks so their customers can’t stream porn in their stores. In fairness, you do know there are plenty of people who sit all day sipping one tea, using their local Starbucks as an office, but no more porn with our lattes? Really?

Parent group “Enough is Enough” encourages this new Starbucks’ policy. In retaliation, YouPorn is now not allowing Starbucks products in its offices.

The Tumblr ban seems to be a deeper felt affront. If you are slipping into a Starbucks to get your one-handed fun going, beyond being arrested for that, a wide-open coffee house certainly does not give a viewer any kind of privacy. But lots and lots of folks have been tripping across Tumblr of late, either looking for salacious material or setting up their own pages for pictures and posts of a naughty nature. But as of Dec. 17th of last year (did you miss it in all the holiday rushing around?), Tumblr began banning “erotic content showcasing nudity.” For many, Tumblr was considered a sex-positive space, though others claim it to be a platform that fosters racism. But now, other than catching nudity of a non-sexual nature (say breastfeeding), you won’t see anything dirty across Tumblr.

‘Across the pond’ the UK’s age-verification system for online porn sites will take effect come this April. This measure comes two years after this legislation was made law. Interestingly enough, statistics in the UK show that one out of five Brit parents don’t think there should be a law banning their kids from online porn access.

See what was happening to porn while you weren’t looking? Happy 2019!

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THE SEX FILES: What Happened To My Porn?