Design By Humans
Published On: Wed, Apr 1st, 2020

Proud Creatures: Opening Creature

Proud Creatures
Opening Creature
(Buckets Radio)

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One could call what Todd Brozmanā€™s Proud Creatures solo moniker delivers psychedelic electronica/jazz/ambientā€¦or one could just enjoy the deep dive into this this 5-track EP,Ā Opening Creature.

ā€œMajor Troubleā€ opens with its echoing single piano chords, a thin vocal-like flute synth line on top. It gives way to some subtle intertwining lines as the song progresses and ends with chunky off-beat drums, solid piano, and bass.

ā€œDiscovery of the Futureā€ begins with an overdriven bendy metallic cut-of-a-synth with some chimes, gong, and block-like wooden sounds far off in the atmosphere. About a minute-and-half in Brozman drops most of the sounds and keeps things floaty with a droplet synth, more background sounds, letting the temperature rise on the undulant atmosphere. It sounds as if big creatures are plodding about when the beat starts.

ā€œ4 Pinesā€ swirls with an almost overdriven organ and again laying lines of synth. The bass, a slight Tangerine Dream-like arpeggio, and Brozmanā€™s first real use of vocals form a distinct interlude for what I feel is the sweetest of all the tunes here.

ā€œEastern Lines,ā€ ends this Proud Creatures debut. Itā€™s swirly, slightly anthemic opening, the low bass, background ā€˜loudspeakerā€™ announcements, never actually flow into something you can hang your hat on. I donā€™t feel there is a real song here or a real resolution as there are to the four that came before it. Itā€™s probably the only missed note for me onĀ Opening Creature, an EP of soundscapes thatā€™s pretty damn strong otherwise.

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Proud Creatures: Opening Creature