Explosions in the Sky
The Wilderness
(Temporary Residence Ltd.)

Listening to Explosions in the Sky’s albums is like hearing soundtracks to movies you desperately want to see. The band’s post-rock, mostly instrumental sound is like Mogwai’s younger cousin, slightly softer but no less intelligent or engaging. On The Wilderness, there is a linear nature to each of the tracks, building without becoming a frenzy, allowing the listener to savor in every instrument and element coming together. “The Ecstatics” is a prime example of this. The beginning features a sinister beat and slightly retro synth, but as other instruments kick in, like the patiently distorted guitar, the song takes on a much more hopeful sound. “Tangle Formations” sounds like New Order might if they ditched the vocals and encased themselves in even more atmosphere, a vibe that comes back again on the sprawling and gorgeous “Colors in Space.” “Landing Cliffs,” the album closer, is tinkling piano before it meets guitar that weaves its way in and out of perception. The Wilderness is an album that allows you to unlock your imagination. If you want to sit and contemplate each song, there’s plenty to untangle, but the instrumental nature allows you to come up with your own narrative and interpretation of the sound. It is melodic and soothing, but there is also depth and subtle darkness.