Patrick Ames: All I Do Is Bleed
Patrick Ames
All I Do Is Bleed
(Patrick Ames)
Patrick Ames’ newest EP All I Do Is Bleed reveals four tracks of easy listening, sing-able R&B/Pop/Latin Folk. The songwriter/midi-guitar synth/guitar player/ vocalist shares this self-produced bunch with his two vocalists, Chana and Mikaela and with the addition of Argentinian guitarist, Paulo Augustin Rzeszut, adding just the right flavor over it all.
“I Want You,” is a talking vocal, single strummed opener, with the sly release of some very effective percussion making its way in and Chana and Mikaela placed in perfectly with Ames. I like how this opener opens up as Rzeszut makes himself known. “While You Were Making Babies,” follows with its snapping beat, sweet piano, flicking acoustic and Chana and Mikaela again lending their talents to Ames actually singing this one. A very upbeat, fun tune.
“Queen Kae,” with its mournful ‘ahhs’ in the background, and a halting plucked acoustic, brings the listener up short, a deep ballad in the midst of all the movement. It really opens up as a guitar solo piece with some actual lyrics later.
“Te Amaba Locamente,” ends All I Do Is Bleed, a flicking Latin sexy sway of the last tune. Again the acoustic leads us here, with some slight percussion, with the mix of female and male vocals quite a sexy send off to this record.
Ames knows well what he’s doing in his writing, construction, and production, with a neat little group lending a hand.
All I Do Is Bleed delivers.