Design By Humans
Published On: Wed, Nov 11th, 2020

David Thompson: the wall

David Thompson
The Wall
(Star Hermit)

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A piercing synth single line gets us into the mechanical beat of ā€œtime,ā€ the frantic opener of David Thompsonā€™s latest Ep the wall. He keeps up the arpeggiated beat and fast snapping, setting us locked and loaded for the vibe of the next four tracks thatā€™s coming.

A slightly softer approach informs the title track that follows. Again, we get the brush of arpeggiated keys and a drum machine snap, but on this one, we also get a good listen of Thompsonā€™s voice and quite a poppy chorus and a flighty, little synth mirroring the melody; very infective stuff, indeed. On this one, Howe Pearson lends his lead guitar strikes.

ā€œThis goon cant,ā€ follows, a layered key work, pretty much what one would have to call a ballad. As I often find on the wall, Thompson often counters bleak lyrics with his poppy synth noodling. Itā€™s a dichotomy many artists before have tried and managed to various degrees of effectiveness. Thompson manages it well.

ā€œClairā€ is a great mover, with a fun popping bass and shimmery guitar effects. Itā€™s written in a sly 60ā€™s psychedelia style, with Thompson managing his best flights of warbly vocal. By far, this is my most favorite tune on the wall.

The jumpy waver-y synth sounds and snapping beat of ā€œobsessionā€ ends this EP. Overall itā€™s a pretty papery thin tune, maybe a good counterpart bass or wash of some lower keys might have given this one more meat. Iā€™m sorry to say the occasional creative drumming here does really make it more than a lackluster offering and ender. But this shouldnā€™t mar what is pretty much a mature effort of good solid stuff from David Thompson.

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David Thompson: the wall