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Published On: Fri, Apr 8th, 2022

Chawa Lilith: Euphonious 

Chawa Lilith
(Chawa Lilith)

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Calling out with her potent singing incantation and a bed of breathy sounds behind her, Chawa Lilith starts us off with “Good Things,” introducing us to the atmospheric song-smithing of her new Euphonious EP.

Things lighten up slightly as the lady once again moans-vocalizes around some twinkly single notes and that breathy atmosphere once again, sweetly assuring the listener that “You Are Loved.” This second tune-in is more or less a one-note affair, rendered beautifully, with the music and vocals not really tripping too far.

“Bouncing” is a very interesting tune, appearing about halfway into this six. It’s mainly a layering of synth sounds, more a meandering bed than really a tune with any real meat to its bones. But it provides a nice palate cleanser, I feel, to all the warbling vocals and same-sounding effects.

“Dar Knight” provides us with Lilith most in control of the proceedings. Her voice leads off the track and is pushed forward in the mix, leading and not just floating. Again, she is more vocalizing than singing a lyric, but the underlying danger of her intent here is plain to see. I really like this one out of all of Euphonious, the shortest song on this collection.

This brand new Chawa Lilith EP is not going to be for everybody. It’s a particular type of singing/songwriting that might be bordering on ambient, tipping slightly into acapella, but is all specific, created and delivered by a lady who seems to have something to say, in her unique way of saying it.

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Chawa Lilith: Euphonious