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Published On: Wed, Apr 8th, 2015

Kodaline: Coming Up for Air

Coming Up for Air
(RCA Records)

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Kodaline struck upon a winning formula with their debut by combining uplifting alt rock with folk sensibility. Unfortunately, Coming Up for Air reaches for an epic, stadium sing-along quality without having the chops to back it up.

Itā€™s difficult to pinpoint what exactly about the album makes it feel so disappointing. Most of the tracks have that edge of anguish that made In a Perfect World so captivating, but the music has become more melodic while the lyrics have become more banal. For instance, far too much of the song ā€œUnclearā€ is dedicated to a chorus compromised of the lines ā€œWhen the futureā€™s so unsure/When the futureā€™s so unclear.ā€ Thereā€™s nothing wrong with a bit of polish, but the band seems to have lost a bit of personality.

There are still moments when potential shines through. ā€œHuman Againā€ and ā€œPlay the Gameā€ channel some retro rock and have a bit of fun swagger. Closing track ā€œLove Will Set You Freeā€ features tender vocals, a grounding piano line, perfectly measured, emotional vocals, and a gorgeous choral ending combined with brass.

If a few more tracks had gone in these directions, Coming Up for Air would be engaging. Unfortunately, the album as a whole plays it safe and runs the risk of losing the audience so hard won by the first record.

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Kodaline: Coming Up for Air