Design By Humans
Published On: Thu, Apr 5th, 2012

UNITE Haircare

UNITE 7 Seconds Dry Shampoo and Conditioner’s mission is to provide freshness and health to hair without stepping in the shower! By spraying along the roots, these products are intended to not only clean your hair but detangle and cleanse. After using both the Shampoo and Conditioner, my hair smelled as if I just stepped out of the shower. My long waves looked ravishing after spraying in UNITE haircare. However a while after, including the morning after, my hair appeared to be oily. When trying to style my hair, the top of my head felt rather dirty as if I really did skip a shower. The intent of the haircare is to skip showers and still feel like your hair is clean as if you took one. However that did not happen. The Detangle Conditioner also didn’t work properly. Only after I brushed my hair thoroughly did it seem untangled.

However the product was very refreshing. Unlike most sprays, it felt as if a mist was hitting my hair rather than a bunch of chemicals. The 7Seconds Dry Shampoo aided in preserving my color and refreshing my hair without the use of water. The 7Seconds Conditioner Leave in Detangler locked in color as well. It is a UV, and Thermal protector as well as a favorite of Eva Longoria!

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UNITE Haircare