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Published On: Tue, Oct 9th, 2012

Sixpence None the Richer: Lost in Transition

Sixpence None the Richer
Lost in Transition
(Sixpence, Inc.)

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Lost in Transition, the new album from Sixpence None the Richer, speaks with an even tapestry of bendy pop-tinged guitar chords and riffs that, at times, are accented with a wispier, softened attribute. Complementary pianos, drums and bass elegantly outfit this album full of overly poetic yet revolutionary stories and feelings much like the formula that pushed the band outside of its Christian rock dynamic back in the late 90′s. Shortly thereafter, their career skyrocketed. They soon were dominating popular music charts, getting constant radio airplay and featured on popular TV and film soundtracks. Still, the plush emotional awareness in Lost in Transition’s songwriting transcends easily. Lead singer Leigh Nash’s delicate vocals have not changed and in this era of sound, resuscitate bored ears. Gentle instrumentation nicely engages while poured out over feelings of love, loss, and encouragement throughout trials. On a relationship lost and remembered by a song on the radio, Nash sings, “I remember when we drove all night/You took me home in the morning light/You my anthem, you my creed/You were all that I would ever need,” on the song “Radio.” Nash makes simple the multiple complexities of emotions that thrive after a breakup on “Go Your Way.” “Sooner Than Later” is an ode to Nash’s father who passed away. The palpable beauty of the album is its sentimental quality solidifying strength while having survived pain.

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Sixpence None the Richer: Lost in Transition