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Published On: Sat, May 4th, 2013

Clinic: Free Reign II

free reignClinic
Free Reign II
(Domino Recording Co. Ltd.)

Buy it at Amazon!

Liverpool rockers Clinic have been making weird, delightfully synthesized music since the ā€˜90s. For their eighth LP, the band has done something a bit differentā€”revisit last yearā€™s Free ReignĀ to give each song a fresh twist.

For other acts, such an endeavor would come across as a simple remix album. However, this isnā€™t some vanity project to let famous DJs reinterpret each song separately. Instead, the band allowed experimental musician and producer Daniel Lopatin (Oneohtrix Point Never) to fully explore his vision for Free Reign.

The result feels like an album and lets the band delve into psychedelic dub and vintage fuzz. Opener ā€œSun and Moon II,ā€ for instance, feels like The Doors reincarnated. ā€œCosmic Radiation IIā€ has an immediate ā€˜70s jam band feel with distorted guitar, heavy cymbals, and confident horns. ā€œSee Saw IIā€ features dizzying instrumentation, plentiful echo, and psychedelically muddled vocals.

But it would be a mistake to just think of Free Reign II as a more distorted version of its predecessor. ā€œKing Kong IIā€ is slinky and sexy enough to belong in a club, while ā€œMisty IIā€ has a sparse but hypnotic arrangement to call attention to the repeated line, ā€œYou fill your boots and come for more.ā€

At once feeling new and old, vintage and fresh, Free Reigns II may attract the electronic set while remaining loyal to Clinicā€™s fanbase. Ultimately, there is no comparison for a band like this, but there is also no limit to the wonderfully strange music they can create (and recreate).

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Clinic: Free Reign II