Design By Humans
Published On: Thu, Sep 5th, 2013


MileySo, what about that Miley Cyrus at the VMA’s? Got an opinion? Well it seems lots of people do. From the ‘twerking is not working’ post I saw, to all those amazing photo-shopped mockery tweeted pics of the grind-a-thon twatted basically as the ‘performance’ happened and even Miley’s comeback just this week, it’s all caused quite the stir.

F’ that Syria noise I say, this is important stuff!

But regardless of how uncomfortable Robin ‘I heard he is truly ‘thick’ you know where’ Thicke’s frightened pose was in his Beetle Juice suit and the fact that nobody will ever be able to look at one of those foam #1 sport finger thingies the same way again, and what might be the worst use of a tongue in recorded history, less we forget…

Britney Spears’ made many provocative semi-unclothed gyrations through the years, especially her tryst with an albino python during “I’m A Slave 4 U” in 2001. Or Brit, Madonna (who I will get to in a sec in her own) and Christian Aguliera showing up for their own gang bang at the VMA’s in 2003 when there was full-on open mouth kisses galore (as if anybody expected any less) .Or his purple pop-ness himself Prince, dancing and playing “Get Off” in a sheer-assless yellow suit. And then, yes Madonna, writhing in a short wedding dress for “Like A Virgin” in 1984 at the first VMA show.

As I guess we are all pretty much aware, our pop stars have to not only reinvent themselves every month or so but need to push the limits of whatever they feel is good taste to keep themselves in the public eye. And really, is anybody surprised that the VMA’s, built around music television as they are, would be about anything but a startling visual? At her first sit down post the show Miley said: “It’s been done before,” about her performance, something I have to agree on for sure, though her quip to Thicke  “You know, we’re about to make history right now,” makes me cringe with not only the woman’s high opinion self awareness but how prescient she was.

Where does this all leave us now a week later? In the end, do the VMA’s rate on any meter of public taste or popularity? How many people simply taped the show to fast forward to the parts they wanted to see, skipping past the Miley stuff when it became apparent how banal it all was?

Weigh in here if you like, but God knows we are all probably on to something else already anyway.

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