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Published On: Tue, Mar 3rd, 2015

Bjork: Vulnicura

bjork vulBjork
(One Little Indian)

Buy it at Amazon!

At this point in your life you probably already know how you feel about Bjork. You either think her voice is a spectacular instrument capable of boundless wonder or you think it’s a spectacular instrument that annoys the heck out of you. If somehow you’ve never heard her before though, I don’t recommend starting here.

Vulnicura is definitely a challenging album. Bjork may have always been kind of a fringe artist but Debut and Post had some accessible songs on them. These tracks are more like soundscapes with lyrics. The music is built completely out of strings and electronics, making it feel at times classical and alien, and the songs are slow and long. There are only 9 tracks, but the album still clocks in at about an hour. Then there’s the fact that the whole thing is a chronicle of the collapse of Bjork’s longtime relationship and the subsequent healing process.

This is an album for people who are already in on Bjork’s little world and want to explore it further. There are some moments that force you to take notice, such as the a capella intro to “Lionsong” or the moment in the middle of “Family” where swelling instruments give way to an angry cello. Mostly, though, it’s a big, plodding piece of work that’s hard to break down. It’s not her finest album, but if you like Bjork, here’s some more Bjork to enjoy. Fans will always be excited for her new releases. You know which side you’re on.

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Bjork: Vulnicura