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Published On: Tue, May 26th, 2015

Broken Guru: Bent Up Halo

broken guruBroken Guru
Bent Up Halo

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NYC’s garage/psychedelic rock trio Broken Guru has released Bent Up Halo. Rich Guerzon (vocals, guitar) and Christy Fiero (bass, vocals) with Ray Fiero’s (percussion, vocals) really have this slight rockabilly, certainly psychedelic thing down. The songs here are perfect little gems, evoking a certain dark view of the world that still gets your feet tapping.

“Plight of Imemine,” the first tune of the thirteen here, is a funky, loud “ohh ohh” strut. “28 Cents” features Christy Fiero’s expert bass walking and the mix of the trio’s vocals perfectly in a singable chorus and “Got to be Mean” is a heavy lament on how the circumstances of one’s life gets one to be where they get.

And this is just for openers!

“Behind the Mouth” simply struts. Again what works here is as much what the players play (the Fieros especially locked in) as much as the harmonies and Guerzon knowing where to place his lead and single-note riffery. I like Chrisy F. leading the charge under Guerzon’s distorted notes on the simply dangerous Ten Year’s After-like snake, “Gimme More.” This is the best tune here for me, it might also be one of Guerzon’s best studied moments. His guitar is front and center, the chant vocal chorus is teasing; it all works as such a good, thick brew.

The almost punk (or as fast as this trio gets here) “Like a Whore” (though it has a Monkees-like chorus, and a retard, acoustic middle) is wacky stuff indeed and “In the Clouds,” a totally acoustic lost-love-to-death song with deliberate, rangy, almost-missing harmonies, ends the album.



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Broken Guru: Bent Up Halo