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Published On: Tue, Jan 12th, 2016

The Heavy Eyes: He Dreams of Lions

he dreams of lionsThe Heavy Eyes
He Dreams of Lions
(Kozmik Artifactz)

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He Dreams of Lions is the third release by Memphis-based iron giants, The Heavy Eyes. Packed with enough feel and groove to make a seasoned metalhead cry, The Heavy Eyes more than deliver upwards of 45 minutes of good, old fashioned, fuzzed-out ditties. While the album as a whole tends to lack certain dynamics, the band can more than make up for that fact with a hypnotic rhythm section, razor-sharp guitar riffs, swagger-laced vocals and a proverbial goldmine of catchy hooks. Namely the title track, “Saint,” “The Fool,” and “Hail to the King, Baby” (extra points for throwing in an Evil Dead reference, other acceptable answers include, but are not limited to, This Is My Boomstick) perfectly display the formula The Heavy Eyes use when cooking up their tastiest of jams. To truly appreciate an album of this caliber, the doctor would recommend playing it loudly for full effect.

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The Heavy Eyes: He Dreams of Lions