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Published On: Tue, Apr 26th, 2016

Guy Grogan: Dynamite Bouquet

guy gGuy Grogan
Dynamite Bouquet

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With nine albums to his credit, award-winning songwriter and one-man-band Guy Grogan has this music thing down. His new album, Dynamite Bouquet, is chock-full of good little rock tunes. The big, rolling trash snare and tight, power chord teasing of “My Own Way Out” lays perfectly behind equally taunting vocals and a singable chorus. “Metafixation” features muted rhythm electric and a desperate roil behind Grogan’s barely-croaking vocal, then things break open into a punk chorus and run a little louder from there, a formula Grogan uses often here. “Now I’m Me From You” is the most punk-sounding tune this far into the album with it’s fat rhythm guitar, snappy high-tuned snare, and Grogan’s barely-articulated grumbling. Again though, he breaks things open seductively in the chorus with harmony vocals and big hits – good stuff for sure! I love the flicky “Pseudo Euphoria” with its stop-and-go snap. For me, it’s the best Grogan vocal here; he uses that mumbling affectation to great affect (and its one of the tunes you can understand him best) and again his oft-used difference between the tightness of the verses and the open wailing choruses mix well. “Moonbird” presents what sounds like plucky xylophone and Grogan’s softest vocal, while the drive of piano single notes, slicing rhythm guitar, and a riding-the-crest-of-a-wave roiling of the last tune “Waterfalls” really works for me as a big, dramatic read to end Dynamite Bouquet.

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Guy Grogan: Dynamite Bouquet