Design By Humans
Published On: Thu, Aug 4th, 2016

THE SEX FILES: Staten Island Needs Sex

WastelandThose of us who live in NYC or its close environs are very proud of the city, warts and all. Yes, there are other wonderful cities across this country, the world actually, but none with the attitudeĀ of The Big Apple.Ā Also, it seems, none with quite our sexual appetites.

I have mentioned the wonderful clubs mid-city, like Ricks and Vivid Cabaret New York, toy stores like Babeland littered across Manhattan and beyond, even those Exxxotica Conventions I have attended in New Jersey. But it seems that Staten Islanders have us all beat. According to stats provided by, ā€œthe largest online BDSM, Fetish Porn and Alternative Sexuality Site on the netā€ (quite a claim) and supporting retail data amassed from The New York Post, the borough with the smallest population-and in many cases defined as our most conservative-is tops when it comes to online ā€œsex productā€ buying and S&M online site registration. Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and The Bronx follow in descending order.

For an intrepid sex reporter like yours truly, a few questions arose over the above findings, as questions should always arise when stats or surveys are taken and reported (God knows we should always question the claims each political party makes when they start boasting numbers, especially these days!). When exploring a site like and the predominant hetero, female sub bent to its content, one might come away with the conclusion that the main population of those Staten Islanders supposedly signing on to that site might just be hetero male. And one need wonder, why ā€œThe New York Post,ā€ a bastion of conservative ideology (in contrast to the liberalism of ā€œThe New York Timesā€ of course) is even reporting on adult toy purchases.

Iā€™m happy folks (even be they seemingly mostly male) are getting ā€˜out and aboutā€™ with their web connections and getting their freak on. If a large group of those doing so happen to be Staten Islanders, all the better. Hell, one of the best salacious radio shows comes out of S.I., ā€œUncle Eddieā€™sā€ Ham Radio Show,Ā so the place knows its sex for sure.

And if it is proven, once again, that it happens to be hetero men searching online mostly for kink sites and naughty toys (please note I use the word ā€˜mostlyā€™ here, as I know plenty of ladies are quite kinky), who cares really? I am just happy once again that NYC can prove we are the leaders we have always known ourselves to be.

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THE SEX FILES: Staten Island Needs Sex