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Published On: Thu, Oct 6th, 2016

Movie News Happening Right Now and what the Future May Bring

ben-affleck-batman-solo-movie-scriptYou do not need me to tell you that things move with extreme speed in movie land. Sequels drop, expected blockbusters bomb at the box office, and movie stars get into huge amounts of bother.

That said; letā€™s now have a look at some of the bigger news stories coming your way in the next few weeks, as the holiday season fast approaches.

Spawn To Return To the Big Screen

Before there was the X Men, Deadpool or Spiderman on our big screens, we had our original edgy superhero character, Spawn. Jumping off the pages of Todd McFarlaneā€™s comic creation, Spawn was the original ass kicker, causing mayhem and retribution, leaving nothing but a trail of broken bodies in his wake.

And excitingly for fans of the original 1997 movie, the draft for the reboot has been completed. Attempting this time to stick more to the source material, McFarlane will be empowered by the ā€œRā€ Rating his vision can fit in, rather than the PG13 rating he may have been shackled with in the past. Hopefully this one goes into filing and production soon.

Current Rankings ā€“ True Stories and Reboots

Coming in at number one this week, Tom Hanksā€™ ā€œSullyā€ tells the real life story of the pilot who managed to land his plane safely on the Hudson River in New York a little while back. Coming hot on the heels of this is the reboot movie, the terrifying Blair Witch, one that has people all over the country screaming with genuine terror thatā€™s unseen since the original Blair Witch Project came out.

However, failing to set the world alight, in terms of true to live movies, is the story of Snowden, Oliver Stoneā€™s biopic, which only managed a fourth placing this week.

Spongebob Actor Held on Drunk Driving Charges

The voice of Squidward Tentacle of Spongebob SquarePants fame, Rodger Bumpass, was arrested recently on a DUI charge. I read an article about everything you need to know about drink and drug driving and it seems that Rodger displayed a lot of the same warning signs of alcohol intoxication as outlined in the article.

When tested, his legal blood alcohol content was well over the legal amount and some reports stated that he almost fell over when asked to get out of his car.

The New Solo Batman Movie ā€“ More Details Drop

Whether you love or hate Ben Affleckā€™s appearances this far as the Dark Knight, one canā€™t help but be excited for the solo outing of Batman, especially given that Ben is also directing the movie.

It cannot be denied that he is a quality director, so I think that we are all in for a treat when the new movie drops. And just to conclude; the latest rumor to come out is that the whole movie is not set in Arkham. Hmmm, what could that mean do you think? Stay tuned for further developments.

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Movie News Happening Right Now and what the Future May Bring