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Published On: Thu, Feb 23rd, 2017

Marty McKay: New York City Dreams

mckayMarty McKay
New York City Dreams
(McKay Entertainment)

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Switzerland’s alternative rock stylist Marty McKay presents his nine-song New York City Dreams album, revealing the raucous fervor of the Big Apple. The sweeping keys and big snapping snare hits of “Escape” establishes the desperate danger we are going to find here in Marty’s “streets” and his solid singing. The bouncy chorus is singable and makes for quite a heavy commercial opener. “When the Lights Go Out” has a slicing yet softer arpeggiated keys showing off more of McKay’s voice and his ability with a simple effective melody, without having to hit us over the head. This a very well-produced little ballad. A U2’s Edge guitar echo backing and some off-beat drumming inform the almost 80’s power ballad-like “Into the Fire” (another tune with a big singable chorus). “Another Life” has a good and different low sound to it, more piano here than what’s gone before (at least in the beginning). Then we get into some deep, heavy rock stuff that is almost Nine Inch Nails-ish in places. This tune works best for me when McKay lets the piano and his voice swirl together. “Until the Pain Is Gone” ends us here, another tune with lots of piano, that running drumming we have had before, and a breathy McKay ending the album with this big love song. McKay says “It’s not where you’re from that matters, it’s where you at.” And in New York City Dreams he brings us to a fine place indeed.

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Marty McKay: New York City Dreams