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Published On: Thu, Mar 15th, 2018

Private Pornography in the Third Reich

Ah Hitler and the boys, wow they were a lot of fun, werenā€™t they? All that marching, the hot fetish look of the uniforms, invading Poland and all thatā€¦man, those were the best times, no?

Yeah, Iā€™m joking, but when you take a gander at Goliath Booksā€™ Private Pornography in the Third Reich, you might just consider the Naziā€™s slightly differently. Well, maybe not differently, as much as you will come to see they were pretty much like us all when it came to the naughty stuff they sought.

Here we get a 224-page book featuring 330 photographs of vintage Nazi pornography. Coming from the authorā€™s private collection, Hans von Bockhain, gives us all a peak into what was really going on amongst the jackboots and a government hell bent on keeping its people from doing what the people are doing in these pics.

Hitler kept a tight fist on pornography of any kind among the everyday citizens of Germany, but it seems there were plenty of folks still interested in and taking pictures of scenes that quite often border on the sadomasochistic.

Obvious hypocrisy abounds here, and had the times not been so terrible and dangerous, one could giggle at the irony. With the seeming doting father that Jospeh Goebbels was purported to be, while he chased women at an insatiable rate, to Himmler ordering SS to father illegitimate children to fill Nazi coffers of pure Aryan blood, to the government at once cracking down on brothels and prostitutes but higher officials employing non-German women to work as whores (and even with brothels operating in concentration camps) to homosexuals punished and the official capture of tons of salacious material, what you had with the Naziā€™s was a wildly racist regime who not only acted on a double standard, but across a topsy turvy Jabberwackian set of rules that allowed pretty much anything.

Within nearly 15 years in business, Goliath has established itself as a highly acclaimed international publisher of diverse and often daring photography and art books. Starting in 1997 publishing a UFO photo book, this publisher based in Berlin has been about giving the world ā€œThe Sexy, The Weird And The Extraordinary,ā€ and I think that one would easily say that Private Pornography in the Third Reich offersĀ all of that and more.

Buy the book here and see the rest of Goliathā€™s catalogue here.

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Private Pornography in the Third Reich