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Published On: Tue, Jul 17th, 2018

Sebastian O: In Your Room

Sebastian O
In Your Room

Tentative acoustic strumming with light percussion and bass touches swirl under Sebastian O’s warble-of-a-vocal on “Blue and Gold,” the first song of the eleven on his new release, In Your Room.

“Colors,” finds a nice snare brushing beat along with a plucked guitar, and again subtle bass playing from Andrea Lombardini, lifts the tune from the first few here that all mine the same laconic overly emotive singer-songwriter vibe. The whistle lead is a nice touch.

The fretless bass behind a squeaky guitar trying at a beat makes “I Live in a Wardrobe,” probably the coolest tune for me. It’s got an almost Bossa Nova kick when things finally get going and I like the slightly creepy hint to the lyrics where a narrator may be seeing things he shouldn’t and is all too aware. The sadness plus the beat pluck of “I Won’t Move,” makes for a nice counter in a tune that gets louder than most here (at least during its choruses).

The muted guitar and whisper vocal on, “I Wanna Be Sedated,” makes for a cool cover (Sebastian delvers his loudest vocals here mid way through) and “Jacqueline” ends the album, a deftly picked electric love song, again featuring Sebastian O’s barely audible whisper, and thankfully Lombardini knowing where to drop his bass.

From Venice, Italy to Brooklyn, New York, Sebastian O has traveled far in his life and experiences to deliver the specific sound of In Your Room.

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Sebastian O: In Your Room